Cardilli no Senshuken (Champion of Cardilli) Prophecy--the First Revelation LH-chan! 2000 Prologue A motley collection of starships trailed the pirate vessel Alana’s Pride, as it moved swiftly through the misty void of tachyon space. In a shadowed corner of her chamber, deep within the bowels of the Pride, a lone vixen sat upon the floor; her paws clutched about her in such a manner that she appeared to be curled in upon herself. She was Princess Nyanza Deseray, of planet Andori's monarchy. Andori, the world known throughout the galaxy as a stronghold of space-pirates. Nyanza Deseray was following the lioness. Tears sparkled at the corners of her eyes, but she would not allow them to fall; as she stared down at the object cradled in her lap. Her royal crown; a gold circlet with wide points where it would rest upon her temples, intricately engraved with images of battle, and accented by shining bits of precious jewels. Her parents and her brother had each worn such a crown as well, but because of the lioness--the foul beast Ke’nara Sycanie--they were gone, dead, all of them. Simply because they had refused to bow down and surrender to her when they were ordered to do so. At this very moment, she should have been with her family, all of them together in the palace for the first time since she was a youth. But now there was no palace; there was no planet for it to stand upon. When she had returned from her most recent journey, the whole of Andori, her homeworld, had been destroyed; completely eliminated from the vacuum. None had escaped the planet’s destruction. The remnants of starships left outside the area in which the fragments of Andori still orbited Muria, the star which held all of the planets in Andori’s system, suggested that all who attempted to flee were destroyed before they could make the jump to the safety of tachyon space. She had gathered all those others who had also been away when Andori was destroyed. Together they formed an understanding of what had happened to their home, and who was responsible, from the garbled bits of radio conversation that expanded away from them as they attempted to collect it. She had formed them into a small army under her command and that of her few remaining Captains; their sole purpose to end the lives of those who had taken their homes and families from them. Lead now, under her crown. Nyanza choked back her tears and got to her paws, the creatures she commanded required leadership. Creatures who lived to destroy the followers of the lioness Ke’nara. But she alone would take the life of Ke’nara, the one who had given the final order to destroy Andori. No. She would not cry; not until her family had been avenged. Nyanza Deseray was following the lioness!