Through the Eyes of Those Observing LH-chan! 2000 #3 - Shigeru Satoshi. My rival, Satoshi. I'll not carry on about how you are the better Trainer between the two of us, just because you made it farther than me. Not even in the privacy of my own mind would I ever do such a thing. At best, we are equals anyway. Satoshi. My rival, Satoshi. How do you manage to out do me? Your skills as a Trainer are by no means superior. Your uncanny good luck perhaps? No. That is not the reason. I am not blind, I can see how hard you struggle to succeed. I returned you Sekei Kougen, without my cheerleaders, or my car. I was watching from behind you, where I wouldn't be noticed so readily. I could tell, by the manner in which you arrived at the stadium, by the exausted state of your pokemon, how difficult a time you must have had in getting there. I've been a Trainer long enough to know. You must have gotten there in time by the strength of your will alone. Well, if anyone could accomplish such a feat it would be you. Satoshi. My rival, Satoshi. You knew as well as I did the great disadvantage you were faced with. Yet you battled on. Surely you knew you could not win, certainly not depending upon that poorly trained Lizardon. You did not. I was certain you would make a scene. Whine, and demand a rematch. I've known you for a long time, it would not have been unusual. You did not. You congatulated your opponent, you cheered him on the next day. You stood before the crowd at the ending cerimonies, while I did not. You left Sekei Kougen for Masara with a smile on your face. Satoshi. My rival, Satoshi. We are indeed equals, as far as I can see. Perhaps now, we can go back to being friends. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Legalities: Pocket Monsters © the zillion people who own the series, none of whom are LH-chan, who just borrowed their characters for a brief jaunt through their brains. =^_^=