Shadow LH-chan ’01 I’m tired. I’m hungry. I’m lonely. I had a mama and a papa once. But they’ve been gone so long that I can’t remember their faces. They loved me. That’s what my heart tells me when I think about them. I trust my heart, it never lies. But they still left me alone on this colony. I’m a shadow here...or invisible. Even when I fall on the sidewalk because I’m tired and hungry, everyone keeps walking past. Their eyes turned away... ...unseeing. The only one who ever truly looks at me is Shinigami. I see him often...when I see face reflected in the shop the puddles of artificial rainwater. He tangles his icy fingers in my hair. His face reflects in my eyes. He comes and goes, but he never takes me with him. He takes the others. The ones who leave their tired bodies and follow him. I want to go with him too. I’m not afraid like some of the others. I’m lonely when he leaves me. ...He’ll take me with him soon. I know it, though he’s never told me so. My heart tells heart never lies... Owari.